They couldn 't think of any way to save the situation .
For just when ideas fail a word comes in to save the situation .
The director was asked to think up a scheme that would save the situation .
Till things developed over there and lloyd george came to save the situation over here . And this surpassed even ridicule the flippant young laughed no more .
Then if nobody else besides us knows about it we can still save the situation wu sun-fu muttered as if to himself and the wrinkles on his forehead relaxed slightly .
Pig year word -- I save live pig to develop the current situation and tendency .
He also had to save everyone else that was trapped in the same situation .
Only a political decision to treat higher education once more as a public good would save the situation . It seems unlikely that many state legislatures will see the light in the near future .
Compared with the downturn of salas the competition rosenthal played very stable however but one person alone can not save the situation chile team bottom of the panel not to make a difference .
Save the children an ngo reports that many are acutely aware of the situation in their country .